1899 Ending Explained : Best mind-bending webseries that will leave you speechless

1899 Ending Explained | Episode 1-8

U/A 16+

Genre: Mystery, Drama

Release Date: Nov 2022

Platform: Netflix


Jantje Friese and Baran bo Odar, the creators of “Dark,” created the another mind-bending web series “1899” released on Netflix. 1899 Explained with detailed explanations of its mysterious ending, twists, and complex narrative. Unravel the secrets of this Netflix mystery series that combines twisted history and science, sustaining viewers engaged and wanting more. Dive into the suspenseful and enigmatic world of the 1899 series on this captivating blog.

1899 Explained – The Beginning & The Ending

The show begins with the story of foreign emigrants on a ship going for America at the turn of the 20th century. However, the ending shows that the ship was a simulation and that the characters are on the ship in the year 2099. The series delves into science-fiction ideas and storytelling tactics, resulting in a mind-bending program with exciting surprise endings and complicated characters.

Episode 1 : The Ship

Episode 1 lands on a mysterious journey as the steamship Kerberos sails from England to New York City on October 19, 1899. The narrative unfolds with echoes of the vanished Prometheus, setting the stage for intrigue and suspense. First-class passenger Maura becomes entwined in third-class struggles, encountering strange visions and warnings from Captain Eyk. A cryptic message alters the ship’s course to the presumed location of the Prometheus. Eyk, along with a group, explores the abandoned ship, uncovering enigmatic clues. Meanwhile, a mysterious man joins the Kerberos, and Maura’s discovery of a black tetrahedron adds to the unfolding mysteries in this captivating tale of the unknown.

1899 Explained
The Ship

Episode 2 : The Boy

Starting with the 2nd Episode of “1899,” Eyk receives a cryptic note from the shipping company stated as “Sink Ship” which confuses Eyk. Later on initiates a series of strange events. Maura defends an innocent boy discovered on the mystreous ship Prometheus, showing a symbolic sign (aka Alchemical symbol for earth) behind his ear. Introduced as Daniel, he adds an enigmatic element to the growing story. Meanwhile, Eyk has terrifying visions related to his miserable history where his wife and daughters who died in their house-fire a few years back and Eyk found hairband of one of his daughters on the mystreous ship Prometheus. Relationships get complicated as disagreements emerge among passengers, resulting in unexpected alliances and clashes.

Amidst a rise in stress, Eyk chooses to navigate the Prometheus back to Europe, revealing even more revelations about the ship’s dark past. The thrilling plot takes an alarming turn with the discovery of a lifeless body and a finding that someone has been monitoring the ship’s passengers.

Explained 1899
The boy

Episode 3 : The Fog

As soon as Kerberos approaches heavy fog, Eyk orders the ship to stop and wait until the fog clears. Eyk shows Maura the hairband and shaft in his room. Daniel enters Maura’s room and meets the boy. On the Prometheus, Eyk and Maura discovered another shaft with the triangle logo, which also serves as the ship company’s logo.

1899 Explained
The Fog

Eyk discovers a document in Prometheus’ furnaces, which he hides from Maura. The document was a list of passengers from the mystery ship Prometheus, and Eyk was shocked to see Maura’s name on it. Furthermore, he was the captain of the mystery ship Prometheus.

Episode 4 : The Fight

In episode 4 of 1899, Sebastian convinces Iben to blame the boy for the deaths and she leads a hunt for him. Eyk and Ramiro escape while Iben searches for the boy in Maura’s room. The boy is found hiding under a shaft. Jérôme is shot while trying to intervene. Eyk and Jérôme incite loyalists against the mutineers on Kerberos. Iben throws the boy overboard and Eyk confronts Maura with a document. The boy reappears on the ship.

The Fight

Episode 5 : The Calling

In episode 5 of 1899, the boy gives Maura a cryptic note warning that they are listening and advises her to seek answers from the Creator. He takes her to an abandoned mental facility via a secret tunnel. Daniel follows but assures the boy he won’t find him. The Kerberos receives a second conversation about a sinking ship. While exploring the facility, Maura encounters Henry and asks about her missing brother, Ciaran. She is injected with a dark fluid and wakes up on the Kerberos. Maura reveals that her father owns the ship company and uses a bug to access a hidden path in Eyk’s room, leading them to Eyk’s burned-out house.

The Calling

Episode 6 : The Pyramid

Maura and Eyk make their way back to the shelters, where the walls convincingly replicate the ship’s structure. Virginia runs her fingers over the material, taking in its texture. Meanwhile, Sebastian teleports from the ship and encounters Henry, who directs him to locate the missing boy. The engine is successfully restored to working order.

The Pyramid

Daniel, in pursuit of Maura and Eyk, faces challenges when Eyk encounters trouble. Using a teleportation device, Daniel swiftly intervenes, moving Eyk to a different location. In a tense moment, Daniel reminds Maura of their marriage 12 years ago, asserting that their current reality is not genuine. Unfazed, Maura takes charge, confining Daniel to a room and removing the teleportation device. As Eyk regains consciousness, he discovers himself aboard the Prometheus, surrounded by a vast sea of diverse, dead sinked ships.

Episode 7 : The Storm

Maura climbs through the vent in Daniel’s room and lands up in an abandoned house, where she gets memories of her and Daniel and notices photographs of the two of them with the boy.

The Storm

Daniel finds the boy and promises to restore Maura’s memories so she can “end this loop once and for all”; the boy gives him a wedding ring. Daniel finds Maura and explains her that the boy is their son, Elliot. He also tells her that they are in a simulation and that she has to find the escape. Maura grabs a key from her locket. Meanwhile, Sebastian brings Elliot to Henry, who demands the key from Maura over intercom in exchange for her son. The simulation finishes, and the Kerberos gets moved to the sea of ships, where the passengers discover Eyk.

Episode 8 : The Key

All the people on ship- Maura, Eyk, Jérôme, Clémence, Ramiro, Tove, Ling Yi, and Virginia realize they received a letter, encouraging them to board the Kerberos. Maura explains them that they are in a simulation which set up by her father, but Eyk mistrusts her and goes away. Maura guides Eyk down the shaft in Daniel’s room to his memories of his family. Maura and Eyk break through a wall to enter a series of portals. Henry injects Elliot with a white material, sparking a memory in which Maura injects Elliot with a black substance towards Daniel’s urging to “let him go”.

Daniel hacks into the simulation, redesigning its programming and causing countless interruptions. The last survivors escape from the rapidly dispersed black stuff within the ship, teleporting into each other’s backgrounds before coming back to the ship.

1899 Explained
The Key

Maura and Eyk meet Sebastian at the asylum. Sebastian uses a device to knock out Eyk before taking Maura to Henry and transferring him the key. Henry tells Maura that she is the creator. Henry uses the key the tetrahedron, but Daniel made them unusable. The simulation concludes. Maura reunites with Daniel, who informs her that Ciaran has taken over the program. Daniel provides her the resources to depart, promising that he will “always be there”. Maura wakes alone in the spacecraft Prometheus, surrounded by many others who had been placed in suspended animation on the Kerberos. On a computer terminal, she notices the date October 19, 2099, and receives a message from Ciaran warmly welcomed her to reality.

1899 Ending Explained

In the end of 1899, Maura awakens on a space station to a breathtaking innovation: the other passengers are connected with a mysterious machine, indicating that none of them were lost on the ship. As Maura explores, she comes across a screen that displays the space station’s name as “Project Prometheus” and the current year as “2099.” The shocking reveal is prompted by a written message from Cirian as “Welcome to Reality”, who enthusiastically welcomes Maura to reality and reveals that he is aware of his sister’s successful escape from the simulation.

1899 Review:

  • Plot and Storytelling:

1899 explained with the show begins with the story of foreign emigrants boarded a ship destined for America at the turn of the 20th century. In the middle, mysterious actions are taking place, leaving no clue as to what is going on. Finally, we get to find out about a far bigger suspense that we may have never experienced before.

  • Setting and Cinematography:

Unexpectedly, 1899 explained with the narrative unveils that all observed occurrences were intricately woven into a multidimensional illusion, casting a veil of uncertainty over reality. This skillful use of cinematic techniques adds a layer of visual brilliance to the storytelling.

  • Mystery and Suspense:

1899 explained with the setup against the backdrop of the 20th century, the storyline takes an unforeseen twist, building towards a mysterious climax at the conclusion of each episode.

  • Audience Appeal:

1899 explained as viewers, we grapple with confusion, questioning the authenticity of what transpired and what remains an illusion. Puzzles further complicate our understanding, adding layers of complexity to the intricate storyline.

  • Overall Impression:

As viewers, 1899 Explained the story’s conclusion leaves us pondering the blurred lines between reality and illusion, encapsulating a gripping journey that challenges our perceptions and invites contemplation on the nature of truth.

Rating: 3.7/5

Click here to watch 1899 trailer

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1899 Explained  1899 Explained

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